Women Leadership Already Exists It Only Requires Proliferation

Currently, several media and social platforms are seen as praising women leaders. Women leadership has shown effective measures in containing the spread of COVID-19. When debates are going on for gender equality, factors like these effectively highlight that women can helm leadership roles. The question lies here that whether women leaders will be appointed at the central decision-making processes in the near future too?

In this blog, we have further discussed how women leaders have been managing to keep the adverse effects of COVID-19 at bay.

The relation between Women leadership and the pandemic

As per the ongoing situation, the pandemic has led political and business leaders thunderstruck worldwide. COVID-19 is the most unpredicted catastrophe with even bitter after-effects. The leaders are challenged to stabilize the economy as well as ensure the wellbeing of the employees. Leaders are trying hard to cope up. However, the countries under female leadership are tackling the pandemic positively and setting an example for others globally.

The world has made vast improvements towards gender equality in the past 50 years, but COVID-19 is proving it right. Few of the women-led countries have been successful in managing the adverse effects of the virus and also in containing the spread. Here we have listed a few of the women leaders and their approach to tackling the COVID-19 outbreak:

  1. Jacinda Ardren, New Zealand:

Women leadership

Ardren announced a lockdown on March 25 and stated that the country has eliminated the virus by June 6, 2020. She was praised globally. Right after 100 days, the country was re-diagnosed by the Coronavirus wave. The New Zealand government did not waste time to seal the borders, quarantine the corona victims again. The government officials were swift in conveying the seriousness of the pandemic to the public. New Zealand was the highest testing rates per capita in the world at that time, with 8,000 tests per day.

  1. Sheikh Hasina, Bangladesh:

Women leadership

Bangladesh is led by Sheikh Hasina. In spite, of a hefty population rate the country balanced low Corona Virus death rates. Bangladesh calculated a low death rate – 1.3 %. Sheikh Hasina conducted national broadcasts with front line workers. The Bangladesh government quarantined Chinese citizens, shut down schools &offline services, and followed 6 pm to 6 am restrictions.

  1. Angela Merkel, Germany:

Women leadership

Germany government stuck with proper healthcare regime and social distancing in the early stages of COVID-19. Merkel, is a scientist, she formed troops of well-renowned scientists and spread them all over the country to surpass false information on Corona Virus, it reduced the panic attacks the country would otherwise undergo. The German government treated patients from Italy and Spain too. They provided a live dashboard of all ICU beds in hospitals nationwide.

  1. Mette Frederiksen, Denmark:

Women leadership

Denmark announced a nationwide lockdown on March 12, after the COVID-19 virus spurred out in the UK. Social gatherings were limited to 10 people. Social interactions were paused. Denmark went into changes in the Epidemic act, transferring the regional Epidemic conditions to the Health Minister. The particular minister was allowed to scan a person’s home with police assistance. He had the authority to isolate, examine, and to treat the patients.

  1. Tsai Ing-Wen, Taiwan:

Women leadership

Taiwan had 486 cases and seven death cases as of by August 20, despite the 23 million population. Taiwan imposed immediate quarantining of direct flights from Wuhan as of December 31. Taiwan turned on the Central Epidemic Command Center in January. An impressive move, the country established maps with real-time updates to mask inventories nearby. The travel data helped Taiwan to aid COVID-19 at a higher speed.

These examples have proved to be an efficient proof in the gender leadership debate. Leadership is beyond gender. It is about the brain, risk-taking, headship skills, and impulsive yet smart decision making. Optimistically, this will positively benefit the gender equality in leadership roles and women will have equal opportunity in every sector after the pandemic.

Noting down few essentials of the read:

  • To decrease gender disparity, there should be mentorships and networks supporting gender equality inside and outside the organization.
  • There needs to be more investment of resources in leadership and career development for women.
  • Women leaders should be confident in seizing all the opportunities they find rather than waiting for a tap on the shoulder.
  • Appreciate women’s participation and recognize when women do great work. Appreciate it. Celebrate it. Reward it.



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